Hi, Mom!

So, I was shopping for domain names one day and found the .kim TLD (the letters after the period). I thought: “Huh, thats funny. I bet its already overrun. Wouldn’t it be funny if larson was avaliable?”

It was! 😁 Funnily enough, your doppelganger had this same idea.

So I couldn’t resist, and picked up the domain for the next two years. You come up with what you would like to use this domain for, and I will make it happen. Some ideas:

Write a Blog

Its not that hard to do! I would get it all set up for you, teach you how to use it, and then you can write to your hearts content!

Simple Landing Page

I have one of these. Here is mine.. Here are a few more examples. Anything you wamt, any design… I will make it happen.

Shopify Store

Want to sell something? I will set that up.

Just Point It At Something

I can make the domain name point at anything you would like. Google? Check. Hamster Dance? Also check.

I want it all!

That can work too. We can make subdomains. The addresses would look something like this: photos.larson.kim or mysonisthebest.larson.kim.

Testing for austin

This will be neat and show up on the internet

Love you Mom! Hope you like it!